Monday, November 25, 2013

Helpful tips for parents of autistic children

Parenting is a difficult endeavor as it is, but parenting a child with autism comes with a whole other list of difficulties. Here are some tips from parents of autistic children, that may make the process a little easier, according to

Mom with her autistic children
1. Cope with the grieving process: it’s natural and healthy to grieve over your child’s illness, but don’t focus on it and the negatives. Stay positive and capable, for your child and your family.

2. Look after yourself: Caring for an autistic child takes time, but if you don’t spend any on yourself, you’ll have nothing left to give. Takes some time out to exercise, make sure you eat properly, and even try to find some alone time.

3. Adapt routines: Autistic children thrive on routines, and become distressed when those routines change. It’s also important to adapt a routine that works for the child, instead of just fitting him/her into yours. Find a schedule that suits everyone.

4. Arm yourself with knowledge: The more you know about the condition, the better you will be able to deal with it.
dad with autistic son

5. Get support: A support system is crucial. And not just a family and friends system, but a group of people who are familiar with autism and may be able to help you out with the intricacies of the condition. People who understand exactly what you’re going through will be extremely helpful.

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